50 most perspective business software solutions

Tech-media company VIDI has traditionally organized a contest for the most promising Croatian business software solutions Our 50UP! contest continues to inspire software developers and industry management to innovate and develop their products to offer ever more effective final products. This contest encourages new start-ups to grow and establish themselves, making them more attractive to investors and leading to higher levels of development and achievement.
Nominated software solutions were professionally and thoroughly evaluated with 17 points of criteria which were established to determine market demand for the app, user requirements and cyclical updates of the app, project management and inclusivity of the work environment, functionality, totality in the business segment which regards the leader of the project, completion of the implementation of the app for new users, innovation, openness, existing app users, profitability of the business, customer support, etc.
The ICT GOLD AWARD is an award for excellence that evaluates user satisfaction with the product and will be given at a later date in 2021. Because of that, the final score of the contest did not include a deep analysis of the category of user satisfaction. Among the 50 software business solutions chosen, which will be presented in the WhoisWhoinIT 50UP! Catalogue, you can find a more detailed description of the ones that we have listed below:
Datalab Pantheon ERP - Datalab HR d.o.o.
ORKA ERP - Osječka radionica kvalitetnih aplikacija d.o.o. - ORKA
MADIBU Analytica - Cloudonia d.o.o.
QueryStorm - WINDY RANGE SOFTWARE d.o.o.
VoiceXtreme (VoX) - Špica Sustavi
RINELS - medCRM - inovativno poslovno rješenje za medicinske ustanove
Click on the link to see the list of all 50 business software programs:
The project WHOisWHOinIT is an online platform that presents companies, products, services and people within the Croatian IT industry. Products and solutions are divided in categories which, when combined together, make the Catalogue of the Croatian IT industry.
The digital catalogue WHOisWHOinIT presents Croatian IT solution providers from different fields to potential clients, Croatian and foreign, showing them the advantages of the presented IT solution. At the same time, companies are presented to new potential associates as reliable partners and to potential employees as places offering enjoyable work environments that encourage personal growth.
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